Leadership Is Where It Begins


1 on 1 Executive Coaching

1 on 1 coaching for Managers, Directors, VP’s and C-Suite Executives. Includes eight, 1-hour sessions held once per week or bi-Weekly virtually via Zoom, Google, or Microsoft Teams.

Sessions can be extended after the initial coaching engagement.

Group Coaching

Group Coaching helps to harness the power of collaborative, interactive and augmented learning between peer leaders. Developing greater awareness, new insight and different perspectives can help to accelerate the flow of thoughts, ideas and actions. These new shifts in thinking can help both leaders and organizations experience great impact and better outcomes. Our group coaching tracks provide a safe space for open, transparent communication. Topics are designed in advance that specifically addresses your organizations unique challenges, goals and objectives.

Six 1-hour group sessions comprised of a maximum of 6 peer groups who work within the same organization by not necessarily with the same functions. Peer groups could include Managers, Directors, VP’s or C-Suite Executives.

Drop-in Coaching Sessions

Drop-in sessions are comprised of hot topics that are common and relevant for most leaders and the organizations they help lead. These are one-off coaching sessions with a maximum groups of 6 individuals. First come first served bases.

Check the calendar below for a list on upcoming Drop-in sessions.

Executive / Health and Wellness Coaching

Working with our clients around health and wellness coaching allows our clients to build customized strategies that helps them get the most out of their wellness journey. Our wellness coaching sessions are offered virtually and can work with individual leaders as well as groups. Wellness coaching addresses the clients physical, emotional, and behavioral health.

The objective is to help clients make behaviors changes and adopt a more positive and supportive lifestyle. Wellness coaching takes a holistic approach to wellness that may include areas such as nutrition, exercise, and dietary strategies.

Leadership Training Workshops

Becoming a first-time manager can be overwhelming to say the least. It can be a challenge to go from a rank and file employee to a position of leadership. Our manager’s coaching program can help to make the transition easier and more successful.

This workshop includes:

  • Developing self-awareness
  • Coaching vs managing
  • Driving High Performance teams
  • Developing emotional intelligence

Financial Coaching

Financial coaching is a personalized and collaborative approach to business finance that is designed to help business owners achieve their financial goals. A financial coach works with business owners to develop a clear understanding of their financial situation, identify areas of improvement, and develop a customized plan to meet their financial needs and goals.

The financial coaching process involves ongoing support and guidance, helping business owners navigate complex financial decisions, improve their financial literacy, and make informed choices that will drive business growth and success. The coach provides accountability, education, and encouragement to help business owners stay on track with their financial goals.

The focus of financial coaching for business owners is on creating successful financial forecasts, improving cash flow management, and achieving profitability. A financial coach helps business owners to make strategic financial decisions that align with their business goals, such as expanding operations, increasing revenue, or reducing costs.

20-Minute FREE Session

Schedule an appointment for a complimentary discovery session